Welcome to our Infant class.

Meet the team






     Mrs Loach               Miss Pickering

(Infant Teacher)           (HLTA)

In the Infant class, we have Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We work on a two year rolling curriculum for Year 1 and Year 2 and have a separate curriculum for Reception.

Our PE day is Monday.

Phonics and Reading

In Infants, we follow the Pearson Bug Club phonics and reading scheme. Children begin in Reception with Phase 1 phonics and will move through the phases up to Phase 4 during the course of the year. They begin with wordless books before we begin Phase 2, which introduces the different phonemes.

In Year 1, we continue with the Bug Club phonics scheme, working through Phase 5 and Phase 6 phonemes looking at alternate pronunciation and spelling of words.

In Year 2, we revisit Phase 5 and 6 to further consolidate our phonetic knowledge.

Children will be allocated a book to read at home based on their phonics knowledge and will progress through the levels as their knowledge increases.

Spellings Homework

Infant Spellings

Updated: 19/01/2024 8 KB

Summer 1.

Week beginning 29th April 

The infants have been scientists this week, investigating a range of materials, their properties and their uses.  We started by looking at materials that float and sink before going on to find out which of the materials are waterproof and non-waterproof, in order to make a ladybird’s home water proof. 


Week beginning 22nd April 

This week has been a real hive of activities...we have discussed climate change for Earth day and designed posters to raise awareness.  We have welcomed the start of spring and the drier weather, enjoying our outdoor activities.  We have looked at the world’s oceans and learnt a song to remember their names and their size order (Year 2s raced to put them in order). We have learnt about the Qu’ran as the Muslim special book and Mrs Yasmin shared her prayer mat, Qur’an and favourite Qu’ran story with us - the Hijra....and we made moving pictures to help us remember it. Phew, busy busy!

Week beginning 15th April

What a rubbish start back to the summer term!!  The infants have had loads of fun learning all about the three Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  We made pictures in art by recycling rubbish, that showed how we need to save our planet by reducing litter, and we made compost from our old snack, food and garden waste too in old plastic bottles.  In science, We discussed the different materials in our rubbish and the benefits and negatives of using each material. In RE we have been talking about the bible and how it is a very special book. We have brought in bibles from home and shared our favourite bible stories. 

Spring 2.

Week beginning 25th March

This week our maths has focussed on gaps in learning identified in assessment week. Year 1 and 2 have been looking at place value using base 10 and using this to help them add 2 digit numbers that bridge 10. Reception have been looking at measuring and comparing heights and lengths. As scientists we went charming worms, identifying their habitats.  We have also been busy getting ready for Easter, making lots of easter crafts, and ending the week with our lovely church service. 

Week beginning 18th March

This week has been assessment week but never the less we have found time to have fun and look after our visitors...the chicks. Sadly, one of our chicks died, we said prayers and discussed the cycle of life.  The children then made their own pocket books on the lifecycle of a chicken. Our name the chick competition was a great success too, with lots of fabulous entries. (Well done to the 4 winners).  We have continued our expressionism theme in art, developing our ideas and making our Easter cross art work.  Maths this week has been focusing on really trying to embed addition. Looking at place value of number and using base 10 to help us.



Week beginning 11th March

This week the infants have been expressing themselves through their own art work which was inspired by still life; they have discovered more about the symbols of Easter and how food is used as a symbol, and we have designed chicken habitats perfect for our new visitors...the chicks.  We have also been busy learning the traditional tale of The Little Red Hen in preparation to write our own traditional tales.

Week beginning 4th March.

what a great week we’ve had...the week started by exploring artwork of Cezanne and Van Gogh and trying to imitate their colours and brush strokes. Then we had a mysterious picnic basket appear, it must have been from the main character of our new English traditional tale, ‘The Little Red Hen’. Then we ventured in to the woods to investigate our local woodland habitat (we were even lucky enough to spot a deer). Wednesday, we had grandparents and parents visit us to share their old toys with us. We were able to compare them with our own modern toys. We’ve spent time learning how to use thesauruses and built an adjective vocabulary bank for the animals in our tale. Lastly, but by no means least, we have been using our computer paint package to make repeating patterns in the style of Macintosh (you may see some of these appearing on special cards over the weekend).


Wonderful writing from year 1 and year 2. 

Year 1 and 2 have been authors writing their own books based on Willy the Wizard. Enjoy the extracts below.

Week beginning 25th February

this week we have enjoyed a week of RE role play, exploring habitats, using computers, counting in 2s and lots more. We loved acting out the Easter story and deciding which parts we thought were the most important. Science research was so interesting, with habitat posters that the children confidently presented to the class. Computers has been very creative using a paint package to explore both Impressionism and pointillism. Eyfs have also been very busy exploring the habitats of mini beasts and counting in 2s. 


Week beginning the 19th February

What a busy first week back we have had.  First we started with some expressive art, studying artists Marcela Zacarias and Charlie French and we learnt all about primary colours and colour mixing.  Then we have looked at different animal habitats in science, Reception made a goat’s habitat in a box! In our RE this week we have been looking at Easter symbols.  We put the symbols on paper eggs, some were so good they went on our display. In maths we have been studying 3D shape and we made a variety of shapes from their nets. Look out for shapes around your home :)


Spring 1

Week beginning 5th February

A busy week for the end of the half term...we have made magic wands to help us gain the confidence to help us find our voice for children’s mental health week; played a performance on tuned percussion instruments; had lots of hands-on-maths and welcomed in both the fire service and pc Alan to discuss staying safe. 


Week beginning 15th January

It has been another busy week in Infants. We have made the most of the snow, made Supertatos, investigated materials in Science and enjoyed being together as a whole school on Wednesday. The children have also enjoyed learning how to write Instructions and acting these out to help them with their writing.

Week beginning 8th January

What a fantastic first week back we have had. This week, we have celebrated Epiphany, been super heroes, designed desserts in DT and learnt about the ingredients needed to be a good friend. The children have absolutely loved being chefs and learning about whisks and one of the many ways custard can be made!

Fun with Foods

This week in DT the children created fruit puddings. 

The Wriggly Nativity 

Christingle and Crafts